55 gal lights


New Member
I have a 55 gallon with some live rock and 1 perc, 1 royal gramma, and 1 yellow fish, I dont know the name. I want a good light that doesnt cost that much (because I am only 14 and dont have a job) and is good for corals. What do u think would be the best light for my tank?:notsure:


Beg your parents for some money and get some HO or VHO lights (fairly cheap but decent for a small tank). I had some on my 50 reef and they worked fine (as long as you don't get corals with extremely high lighting requirements). Also consider placement (more light near the center and closer to the water - for those corals that need a bit more). I know someone's going to laugh, but I used four 4-foot flourscent tubes (actinic and daylight mixed) for 3 years once on a 50 gal-- no problems with lighting (but I chose my corals carefully -- I did have some pipe organ, various brains, frogspawn, and a spitload of mushrooms and polyps).:D