55 gal ? need help thnx


i have a few ? on my tank
1. should i add the live rock and sand before or after it cycles
2. wat type of cleaning crew should i get and when should i add them
3. how long should i quarintine the fish and inverts i buy
thankyou for all your help


Defintely put the LR and LS in now. That actually helps with the cycle. As a matter of fact, if you did put it in later, and the LR wasn't fully cured, it would start another cycle.
For invert crew, you can get hermit crabs, emarald crabs, sally lightfoot, variety of snails (turbo's, narcarrius, etc.), cleaner shrimp, peppermint shrimp, urchins, etc. Do some research on what type of fish you want to add. Some aggressive fish (wrasee, puffers, etc.) will pick and eat certain inverts you have in your tank. Don't look at starfish right now. Your tank needs to be mature and stable before adding any starfish species. Also be leary of the small lobsters. They like to grab and eat your other small inverts. Let the tank fully cycle, then you can start adding the inverts.
In a new tank, there's really no necessity to QT inverts. Not many diseases they can catch. Just acclimate them as called out by the recommendations of where you buy them, and drop them directly into your DT. If you setup a QT tank, put any new fish in there for a minimum of 3 weeks for observation. If you notice any diseases, you can treat them at that time.
Give your tank about a month and a half before adding a fish. It should cycle by then, and then you can add a good hardy starter fish (chromis, Royal Gramma, Clown, etc.). Try staying away from the damsels. They're pretty and small, but can be very aggressive and a pain to get out of your tank if you decide you don't want them there.


This is what I would do in this order.
Clean the tank: Wash the tank with a new sponge and clean water, dont
use glass cleaner or detergents.
Dry the Tank: Also this is the time to apply a sheet of colored aqaruim paper, or better yet two coats on the outside
back wall with latex black or dark blue paint.
Level the stand: Use a level make sure the stand is level, place a pad under the tank and then level the tank.
Add water: add your RO or RODI water to the tank, and run it for 24-48 hours to make sure all equipment is working, no leaks etc.
Add salt: Add your salt per the mixing instructions, or dain the tank and add pre mixed from you LFS.
Add Live Rock: Place your live rock in the tank first, then aquascape.
Add Sand.
Let the tank cycle, and monitor your test results.