55 gal stock opinions


Alright guys... another question as to how I should stock my new 55... This is basically what I want to do:
Snowflake Eel
Porcupine Puffer
Clown Trigger
Yellow Tang or possibly an Angel of some sort
What else could I do with that kind of setup? I figured I'd probably do a couple hermits and possibly snails.. But what do you guys think? Suggestions? :happy:

mike h.

You have gravel,or sand? Every fish, etc... is very aggressive. Eels will bury thenselves, but a yellow Tang will most likely not survive.


Sand. I've ditched the Yellow Tang and am probably going to substitute it with a Blue Throat Trigger which I'll probably be adding first...


Active Member
Originally Posted by caz
Alright guys... another question as to how I should stock my new 55... This is basically what I want to do:
Snowflake Eel
Porcupine Puffer
Clown Trigger
Yellow Tang or possibly an Angel of some sort
What else could I do with that kind of setup? I figured I'd probably do a couple hermits and possibly snails.. But what do you guys think? Suggestions? :happy:
With the exception of the eel, the others are not suited to a tank that size. The puffer and trigger would quickly outgrow a 55. The clown trigger is a bad choice for several reasons; size, attitude, and the real possibility of it killing everything else in your tank.
Any trigger is a pretty active fish, and with most, aggression increases with age/size, so keeping peaceful fish with them is a gamble, in all but large tanks.
A 55 is not a big tank so stock it with fish that won't outgrow it. The eel, maybe a dwarf lion, some type of wrasse. A clean up crew is risky depending on what you keep. nothing would be safe with most trigger or a puffer.