55 gal


will the following fish do well in a 55?
Flame angelfish?
Red head solon fairy wrasse?
Coral beauty?


Active Member
Try a royal gamma for one of the fish. I am going to get one when I get my 65 gallon set up next month. They are suppose to be peaceful and reef safe only getting to three or four inches. They are half purple and half yellow. Don't accidently get the half purple and half yellow pseudo though as they are mean as h. I just got a bicolor blenny and they are really fun to watch...only get to 4 inches. I was going to try to put another type of small reef safe wrasse in the tank when I move the 40 gallon into the 65 gallon. I don't know if they will get along with my sixline wrasse though. I have a flame angel also, but it is too bad that everything that I have read says only one pygme angle per tank or they will fight. Good luck, Lesley