55 gallon aggressive setup


New Member
I would like to convert my freshwater 55 gallon tank to a saltwater tank. The 55 currently has a heater, topfin 60 filter and hoods w/ lights. What exactly would I need to convert this freshwater tank to a 55 saltwater. I am looking to put in the tank either a volitan or radiata lionfish and either a zebra, barred(banded) or jeweled moray and whatever (if any) cleaners that would survive. So basically just a lionfish and eel will be in the tank (unless there are other fish that can go with this setup). Any other recommendations are welcome. Also, information on tank decorations for this setup would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Active Member
Unfortunately, none of the fish you have chosen are suitable for a tank that size. Each species needs considerably larger accomodations.


New Member
Really? Every site I've searched has either said a minimum of 30 gallons for the radiata with only 1 site saying minimum of 55.


Active Member
ya i thot i did hear that radiata needed a 55 or larger aquarium, altho i agree a zebra eel would quickly outgrow your tank


New Member
IMO Radiatas should be in a BARE MINIMUM of 75 gallon but something more along the lines of a 125 is infinitely better. Volitans should be in a BARE MINIMUM of 125g, 200 gallon is infinitely better. The Zebra Moray Eel gets to four plus feet so also needs a 125.
You could do a Dwarf Lion (Fu Manchu's are one of the smallest lions) and then a small Eel such as the Chainlink or Snowflake. Anyway hope this helps and good luck!


New Member
Thanks for the replies. Yes I think I will be going with a dwarf lion and snowflake moray. Now as far as setting up my tank for saltwater and creating a good habitat for those fish any advice? Would any tank cleaners be able to live in this setup?