55 gallon compatible fish??


ok i want to get a yellow tang and i have a gold banded maroon clown, i was wondering what would be another ok fish to put in. i would just like some suggestions on what other people find ok in the size of a 55. my tank has been set up for 3 months. can i get a scooter blenny?
a flame angel or a coral beauty would be a good choice . and they don't get to big .. i just don't think you can put more then one pygmy angel in a tank unless it was a really big one :)


Maroon Clowns can be rather aggressive so I would get a fish near the same size also a fish that is not shy. The tang would be a good choice but it is recommend to have them in atleast a 75 gallon. I know alot of people have them in 55's so its your choice. If you are thinking about a Flame Angel I would wait another 3-4 months before adding one. Give your tank some time to get established. HTH


I think your blenny would be ok otherwise yeah perhaps a pygmy angel (like the flame or coral beauty) but only one pygmy per tank is the general rule of thumb.
Good Luck


scotter dragonette'ss only eat copopods . you have to have a well established tank (older than 6 months) and a large amount of LR before you can have either a scotter blenny/dragonette or a mandarin goby/dragonette