Unless you are willing to pay someone to set it up,or find someone to help you in your area..you will have to plumb it yourself. Getting one with a built in overflow would be better than having to get an external overflow box. Why not do a 75 or 90? I am just not a fan of 55's because they are so narrow. You could do a wet/dry as a sump, but I am not a fan of those either. It really is'nt hard to plumb a tank. You will need to figure out how much turnover you want for the tank, and get a good quality pump to accomodate it. You also need to decide if you want an internal or external pump. Internal pumps such as a Mag-drive are a good pump that lasts, the drawback is the heat it adds to the tank. External electronic pumps last longer, and do not add as much internal heat. There are many good brands, I use Blueline..which is a good middle cost pump. There are higher end products such as Iwaki{japanese only}, Dolphin, and others. I recommend that you plumb the tank with Spa-flex, it is for spas and reduces pump chatter..vibration. You can then buy some LOc-line for your input. Some people also like to add a closed loop{that's what I have} it eliminates the need for a bunch of powerheads...again less heat and asthetically more pleasing. Cost wise you are looking at probably around $600, give or take. Unless you can find someone in your area selling their's. I am sure you can...you just need a local forum/reef club. Sorry, but Prism's have to be the worst product on the market for a skimmer.