55 gallon light question


would 2 250 mh be too much? i want it to host clams and my sps i have
thanks in advance
also people who read i was getting a 75 i found a leak so the lfs let me get a 55 and rest of ym money back


Active Member
2 250W might be a little overkill for a 55 gal. You would be able to do 2 250s but you it would heat up your tank alot and you would have to get some fans or a chiller. If I were you, I would go with 2 175W instead due to the amount of heat. JMO.


thank you
No offense to you but i would like some more opinions first and also (since swf.com dont sell any) where would i get 175? i can only find 250


Active Member
You could make 175's or even good 150's work. But if you think you might be going with a larger tank in the future you could use the 250's for that. Probably not the 175's. As long as you don't anticipate an issue with heat the 250's are probably a better choice.


bump for more opinions
also more info :
my temp in the room i am keeping the tank roughly stay 69-70 F (i like it cold)


I have 2x250's made by currant. It's on a 72 bowfront and I love them. I think like the other post mentioned that if you ever go to a bigger tank you won't need to upgrade. I upgraded 3 times and it got very costly.