55 gallon


Starting to set up a 55 gallon. just wondering some good stocking set ups. i know i want an anglerfish. had one b4 and loved it. what else would go with an angler? dwark lion?


Active Member
Originally Posted by A3NIMA21
Starting to set up a 55 gallon. just wondering some good stocking set ups. i know i want an anglerfish. had one b4 and loved it. what else would go with an angler? dwark lion?
Nothing. Seriously.


Anglers will eat very large fish and when they digest them gas builds up then kills them. But they look really cool by them selves. Or if you don't want to only have an angler id go with a,
snowflake eel
dwarf lion
pair of maroon clowns.


Active Member
I have one in a tank by herself with a bunch of live rock and a couple of coral frags. She is entertaining enough by herself whether she's just hanging out between some rocks, walking on her fins, bobbing her lure, or eating. My girlfriend says she's more like a dog.
I have considered trying her with a Zebra Eel for 2 reasons. A) Zebra's tend to be peaceful toward fish, and B) Unless the Angler's a Commerson or other very large Angler, it most likely won't try to eat something as long/large as a Zebra Eel.
As for now, I'm content with just her in the tank, and I don't want to compromise her by adding a possible disaster scenario.