55 gallon!

Great news! I'm getting a 55 gallon soon! Of course, I want to get it set up with all the lr and ls and stuff, and want it to be a reef tank. Because it's smaller than my previous plans, I've chopped my list of fish to put in there somewhat...
1 powder blue tang
1 false perc
1 black and white perc
1 mandarin (after a year or so, for the pod pop to grow)
1 blue linkia
cleanup crew
1 Royal gramma
Is there anything else that would go well in there? And any advice on setting up, the best equip, and acclimating and taking care of these fish would help. I've done ALOT of research, but more knowledge never hurts. :)


Congrats on getting a new tank. Your list of fishes also looks good except for the powder blue. That is one of the most beautiful fishes I have ever seen, but 55 is a bit small for him. My friend has him in a 100 gallon and it seems to be almost outgrowing that tank. It is 8 inches across!! Big and beautiful.


Active Member
Best advice for you is to het a 75 gallon tank. I have a 55 and hate it as do a lot of people around here. They are just so narrow its hard to aquascape. The cost is not much more and will be worth it in the long and short run.


i agree with mlm, i have a 55 and gosh i wish i had the extra room like a 75!
about the tang, i don't think it will be bad as he is a juvi, but yes, he will outgrow that tank.