55 gallon?


Well-Known Member
Welcome to this board and salt tanks
1) 55g tank.
2) playsand ($6.00 2 50# bags from hg)
3) macros or marine plants. (free to about $30.00)
4) salt mix.
stuff usually needed
5) stand
6) lights 2 utility fixtures and 4 4' 3200 lumen tubes. ($20 home depot or lowes)
nice to have
7) some type of filter
everything else optional.
Again welcome to this board and hope you enjoy


Active Member
A lot of what you will need will depend on the type of SW tank you are looking to start. Do you want to start a FO, FOWLR or Reef.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by doodle1800
Bob - I'm surprised you put plants 3rd!!!

You do need something to put them in.


Active Member
i agree dont use shop lights. if you dont want to spend the money for metal halide lighting.. id say go with the coralife aqualight 4-65w set up... i have it and have heard good things about it. and i wouldnt just use any playsand. some playsands will cause alot of algea problems because of the sciliates(sp?) in them.. if you get playsand try and go with southdown or new castle tropical play sands. ohh and i would recomend you get a hydrometer or refractometer to measuse the salinty of you water.. and test kits for amonia, nitrite, and nitrate


Active Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
why i had my head up my ass :D

oh i was wondering where your ass went???:eek:


Active Member
who said we liked it? We were wondering what was up with it.
ok...ok... I'll stop...
back to the 55...
Bob likes his plants doesn't he?