55 is up and running


Hey everyone, i finally got my 55 all together. For all of you that helped me comtemplate what filtration...I'm running an Emperor 400, Biowheel 125 and Skilter 250. The setup has just finished cycling and I am all ready to add my V-tail Grouper and Pork. I just wanted to thank everyone for the constant advice and guidance, I couldn't do it without you all.


Great to hear its up and running, but I hate to break it to you, but both the grouper and the puffer will our grow that size tank. And honestly a 55 is a bit small to go aggressive, but there still are some cool aggressive fish that could work for some time. Here's a good list a dwarf lion, a snowflake eel, and maybe a small puffer. If anybody has any thoughts/ ideas post 'em.


I realize that they will soon outgrow a 55 but for now, this is an improvement and i hope to upgrade as soon as i have the money. Thanks for the advice.


Active Member
if you really want a grouper that can stay in that tank for its live look into a six/gold stripe grouper (actually a soapfish). they are an attractive fish, stay relatively small, and from what ive read are a fish that can happily live in a 55. bo


I ended up combining 50% crushed coral (taken from my other tanks to help cycling) and 50% of a substrate called "Think Pink." It is also a composition of crushed shells and coral...I think that it is made by Coralife? I have heard mixed reviews of the Skilter's on this forum but I have used a 250 for a good while on my 30g and had good results. It may not perform as well as a conventional (and more expensive) Skimmer, but it does function well as a mechanical filter and i so far I can't complain about its skimming capabilities.
Thanks for the advice on the Biowheels, I have heard that before. If I did eventually remove the Biowheels, would there be enough bacteria present to process all the ammonia? Thanks for the help!


Nope Picasso triggers cannot live their entire life in a 55 gal tank. Picasso's need at least 75 gallons, but I would say they do best in a 90 gallons or more. They get to be about 9-10 inches long.


Active Member
As long as you realize that within a year or two you will need to upgrade to handle those fish (Pork;Grouper; Trigger-mild one please or eel) then for now you would be ok. I really do not advocate a Trigger with a Puffer unless the Trigger is much smaller to start with (I tried that once and it worked well except the Trigger went after me when I cleaned the tank and I just got tired of peeling it off my finger so back to lfs it went).


Theres not much difference between a 75 and 90 gallon aquarium. They usually have the same width and length, the only difference is the depth. I really doubt it matters to a fish if the aquarium is 4 inches deeper.