55 stocking?


I have a empty 55 gallon and I want to set it up as a FOWLR.....so yeah, what should I put in here....preferably very hard things, since this will be my fiirst largeish saltwater...I have had 2-20s in the past ad a 5.5 dwarf seahorse tank, but nothing bigger....ideas anyone?


Active Member
Toby puffer (Blue Spotted, favorite)
Dwarf Angel (a smaller, easy to care for one)
Chalk Bass
Skunk Clownfish pair


Do you think I could keep a small 2-3 in blue jaw trigger in there, I have a 125 gallon that is being given to me in May when my uncle moves for it to go into....would it be ok in there solo from like December-January to May?


Active Member
The honest answer is yes, the wise answer is perhaps not. I am temporarily holding much worse fish in a 55gal then a 2-3" Blue Jaw. However it's only advisable if you're 100% sure getting the larger tank. I have my 240gal sitting in the office, so I know the tank is mine, and hopefully will start being set up any time now. May is a looong time from now, and really anything can happen. Far to many times a set of circumstances keeps fishkeepers from setting up a larger tank, and they're left with a fish they're emotionally attached to, and can't bare getting rid of, but can't do a bigger tank, and the fish suffers.
If you wanted, you can sort of view the 55gal as a quarantine tank, and that's how I'd set it up, and just be an "extended QT." Once you get 125 up and running, leave the 55 going and continue QTing fish, so you won't have problems in the 125.
The other thing is the fish itself. Blue Jaw's aren't exactly remotely rare or exclusive fish. There's always a certain amount of exception with anything. If you happened to find Crosshatch triggers for $50, yea, I don't think most would give you too much lip for holding them in a 55gal. So there really isn't a great reason why you'd 'have to get' the BJ now, instead of when the 125gal is running.
EDIT; I'm sure you figured this, but obviously the stock would be modified from the original list, the Blue Jaw and maybe another fish or two.
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Toby puffer (Blue Spotted, favorite)
Dwarf Angel (a smaller, easy to care for one)
Chalk Bass
Skunk Clownfish pair
Is that a max amount of fish for a 55g? I'm trying to figure a stock list, and of then again I'm going reef so won't have the bioload of a puffer, but still.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sooner_Reefer
Is that a max amount of fish for a 55g? I'm trying to figure a stock list, and of then again I'm going reef so won't have the bioload of a puffer, but still. %%
That's pretty close to impossible to answer, but it's a good sized list that has some personable fish, and active fish in there. If you wanted to add other fish or two, especially in a fowlr, doubt there will be much of a difference.
There just are so many variables to get an exact answer. If you wanted 15 neon gobies, a 55gal is huge for them, but 15 angels aren't going to work. Then of course the obvious, how many live rock, better/worse filtration, etc, will allow you have more/less.


I was thinking of just a small BJ and maybe a lemon peel or Potter's angel (Centropgye Potteri)....would this work? That is also a good idea making this the "Q tank."...