55 up and running...a few questions


I just got my 55 gal up and running. I have 100 lbs of play sand seeded with 20 lbs of ls and about 25 lbs of "dead" rock. I just have a couple of questions.
Do I turn my protein skimmer on now, or if not, when do I?
And, I am going to get some lr tomorrow, how much should I get to go with my rock I already have?


So let me see if I've got this right. You don't have to use all live sand for a DSB, you can "seed" it with just a 20# bag? If so what else could I use? What is "play sand"? Sorry for the questions. I thought that you had to use all live sand.


What you are thinking of doing is what I did, I took a 100# of play sand from lowes it is actually silicate sand and added 30# of ls from lfs, right now I have 40# of lr would like to get more. IMO I dont think it is nesacary to get all ls, very expesive! your lr and what live sand you put in will seed your play sand. I have noticed a lot of different opinions on this board as of wether to use silicate sand. Some say will cause bad alga some say had no problems, I think it is marginal, some bad luck some good luck. I cant tell you my experience as I am only in the beginning stages of cycling but so far so good! Look up silicate sand on this board to learn a little more and you it could help base your decision. Good luck :)


I just added my new lr. I got quite a few nice pieces with a lot of color to them. I put them in, turned on my skimmer, and now I just wait I guess.
I was wondering about my skimmer though, it is making a lot of bubbles in the "waste cup". Is this normal? I am emptying it every 10-15 minutes. The bubbles are clear but still overflowing.
Also the tank is still cloudy. I think it is from the play sand. I washed it the best I could but it still got cloudy when I added it. Will this clear up soon.
I appreciate everyones help and advice. :D


Is your plan to cycle with LR? I was just making sure that you knew that you still had to cycle considering that it would have been better to add your LS after the cycle so you have less of a die off. But if you cycle with uncured LR that is what you want. Just a thought.


I am cycling the tank with just ls and lr and I also added some of that freeze dried bacteria. I know there is a lot of controversy on wether that works or not, but my dad had sw tanks and he used it every time and the tanks cycled fast. Right now I am just happy looking at the fishless tank and just waiting for it to cycle, I just wish I could see better.:)


what kind of skimmer are you running ? could be that it needs a little adjusting , some skimmers require a break - in period ....


The cloudiness should settle down w/in 24 hrs as long as nothing else, like a powerhead or filter is stirring it up.Best of luck!


The skimmer is a "Visijet" one. The guy at the pet store said it was a decent one and it was only about $50. It seems to be working alright, it is just causing a LOT of bubbles in the waste tank.