~55G FOWLR Setup Questions


New Member
I'm getting back into the hobby, I was originally thinking about a Biocube 29 but threw that idea out.
We're moving into a new house and have a spot about 4' long that's perfect for an aquarium so now I'm thinking of a ~55 gallon tank. Can anybody recommend either a good kit tank or a "build' for this? These are some of the fish I'm interested in:
Mandarin Goby Fish
Pac Blue Hippo Tang (I understand this may get too big)
Ocellaris Clown Fish
Flame Angelfish
Antennata Lionfish (I'm guessing this may be a longshot)
In order to make this happen, I have to make sure it's very aesthetically pleasing so I get the wife's permission.
What do you all think?


I am not going hate on you, but I really think you should rethink your stock.
Hippo Tang- Nope. You cant keep a hippo in a 4 foot tank. A hippo will get longer that your tank is wide. It will also bully a lot of the smaller fish.
The Lion- That fish can be kept in a 55 gallon, but it cannot be kept with any fish smaller than its mouth or they will find their way in. This goes for the flame and the clown.
Mandarin- Considering you have a refugium and your supply of pods is at a stable, high level, your mandarin will survive fine. Until your lion fish eats it.
Flame/Clown- I am lumping these together because the same will be said about both of them. They both are good fish for a 55, but the hippo will bully them, and the lion will eat them.
If I were you I would knock the hippo and lion off your stock, and add another ocellaris. The mandarin is also very hard to keep, so I would maybe trade it for a goby/jawfish? After this you could add 1-2 more bigger fish or a school of small fish, maybe some green chromis. I'm not trying to tell you what to add, just giving you some suggestions.
Just my $0.02.


New Member
Yeah, that's just my dream list. Not too worried about that yet. At this point I'm more trying to figure out what tank/stand/light/filtration system to get. Are there any kits in that size range you'd suggest?