55g Limits

Hi everyone. I've decided to get a 40 or 55g tank in a few months. I would like to put in 2 false percula clowns, 1 neon goby, 2 firefish, and 1 yellow tang. Will these all fit? Also, will a H.O.T. Magnum Canister Filter w/ LR be good enough filtration? Any replies would greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot.
That should be fine, but it should not be exceeded. Hot Mag is okay, as long as you don't have any corals or so forth, Canister filters are good for Fish only and fish with lr.


The majority on this board will tell you not to put a tang in a 55gal. They need alot more room. Good luck and welcome to the board!!:)
I think that maybe with all the other inhabitants, the tang might feel a little crowded. they usually like a larger tank with a lot of room. Just my opinion.
But the HOT filter should be adequate for your situation.