55g small aggressives


ive been wanting to have a aggressive tank but im going for smaller fish i already have 4 damsels a long tentical anemone and a coral banded shrimp with cleanup crew o yeah a lawnmower blenny this is in a 55 gallon regular ne other small aggressive fishes out there i might be interested in and im planning on makin a reef


I would go with 2 55's..
I have a 55 fo that Im going to turn into a reed in the next few months.. and a 55' that Im going to make into an aggresive tank with a snowflake and a dwarf lion... but dont try to combine the two..


im not tryin to put an aggressive fish like a lion to im talkin about some smaller aggressives u need to go back and read it again


A 55 is too smal for just about any agressive fish.
Groupers get too big.
Sharks get way too big.
A dwarf lion would do alright.
Snappers get too big.
Parrots get too big and would eat your corals.
Triggers get too big.
You want small aggressive fish..........you have them. Damsels are extremely agressive.
Agressive fish are predators. They eat large meals at a time and the amount of waste they produce will adversely affect corals.
Try some dottybacks. They can be aggressive and would fit your tank.
Basically a 55 is too small for agressive species and they do not mix well with corals.


thanks i will watch but this butterflys mouth or beak more like it is so little but it is a striking fish with great coloration