55g Stock List



I was wondering if these fish would be ok in my 55g Reef
Lawnmower Blenny
2 Clowns
Blue Hippo Tang
Six Line Wrasse


and could I possibly add a long nose hawkfish to the list


Active Member
yes to the longnose add it last
just make sure that the size of those fish you add first is not too small that the hawk can put the into his mouth


ok thanks guys for the quick replies but I just have one more question how is this list for a clean up crew and inverts.
10 Hawaiian Zebra Hermits
10 Scarlet Hermits
10 Mexican Turbo Snails
10 Nassarius Snails
2 Cleaner Clams
2 Fighting Conch
2 Brittle Stars
Decorator Crab
Boxing Crab
Teddy Bear Crab
Cleaner Shrimp
Coral Banded Shrimp
2 Monkey SHrimp

30-xtra high

Active Member
correct me if i'm wrong... but i heard conches need 100+ to live
and other than that, add the coral banded shrimp last and you're good to go.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Forenman
ok thanks guys for the quick replies but I just have one more question how is this list for a clean up crew and inverts.
10 Hawaiian Zebra Hermits
10 Scarlet Hermits
10 Mexican Turbo Snails
10 Nassarius Snails
2 Cleaner Clams
2 Fighting Conch
2 Brittle Stars
Decorator Crab
Boxing Crab
Teddy Bear Crab
Cleaner Shrimp
Coral Banded Shrimp
2 Monkey SHrimp
go with 2 mexican turbos, not 10
id go with a queen conch and a persian sand conch rather than 2 fighting conch.
and id skip both the monkey shrimp and the coral banded. just go with 2 cleaner shrimp.
id also skip the teddy bear and boxing crab, the decorator should be fine.
and do 20 nassarius snails rather than ten.
oh, and the longnose hawkfish will most likely kill your shrimp, id try for a dwarf angel rather than the hawkfish.


I've had a longnose hawk with my CBS for several years without problems.
And I bought a baby hippo and he is in my 55. He is probably 6 months old right now and happy and extremely fat


Active Member
Originally Posted by paulcoates
And I bought a baby hippo and he is in my 55. He is probably 6 months old right now and happy and extremely fat
why even start that argument?


Active Member
good for you. calling success at 6 months

and anyone who believes 40 gallons is sufficient for a hippo tang is just plain dumb.


Then I guess the people who own this website, corresponding store in Florida and writers of this article are dumb.
Granted, I wouldnt put one in a 40, but obviously SOME research must have been done to determine that. I doubt someone just took a shot in the dark.
AND LET ME MAKE AN EDIT: You will find a difference in opinion depending on who you talk to. My LFS owner knows my tank intimately and he has been in the business for 21 years. I spoke to him before I purchased this Tang and he felt given my tank setup that the Tang would be happy.
Actually, Why am I justifying myself to someone named Teen? This guy has been involved in tanks probably longer than you have been alive.
Knock off being rude on these boards. Everyone has success with different setups


Your using his name as a dis in an argument i think that sounds a bit immature :notsure: . anyways go with a flame angel or a coral beauty both very cool fish


Active Member
Originally Posted by paulcoates
Then I guess the people who own this website, corresponding store in Florida and writers of this article are dumb.
Granted, I wouldnt put one in a 40, but obviously SOME research must have been done to determine that. I doubt someone just took a shot in the dark.
AND LET ME MAKE AN EDIT: You will find a difference in opinion depending on who you talk to. My LFS owner knows my tank intimately and he has been in the business for 21 years. I spoke to him before I purchased this Tang and he felt given my tank setup that the Tang would be happy.
Actually, Why am I justifying myself to someone named Teen? This guy has been involved in tanks probably longer than you have been alive.
Knock off being rude on these boards. Everyone has success with different setups
i guess they are because i dont know of anyone who would agree that 40 gallons is sufficient for a hippo. and i highly doubt a store took time out to do research on a tang living in a 40 gallon.
i dont care how long that guys been in the business. i have lfs around here with owners of 25+ years and i still hear them give a lot of bad advice, and most of the time try and correct there customers.
and your right, that guy has been in the business longer than i have been alive. im 18yrs old and i guarantee i could talk circles around him and you, so nice try with that one. teen doesnt even come from that fact that im a teenager, its a nickname.