55g to 72g Bowfront Diary


This will be my diary for setting up my new 72 bowfront. I got a GREAT deal on this tank (thanks cj7eagle). So right now the plan is 72 DT and 30 refugium. Im going to have lots of question so I figured I would post now. Right now Im in the process of cleaning out the tank with vinegar with water. got egg create of the bottom of the tank and also for refuge building. I have the 30g ready to add the baffles. I think Im going to do left side overflow from the tank into live rock then skimmer in the same chamber. The return pump will be in the middle and the refuge will be on the right with a T off the return to pump slow water into the fuge. My other concern is weight. I live in an apt ( not on the first floor) and Im a little worried about this. My brother in law is a Structural engineer so Im running this by him but I wanted others opinions I figure
95 gallons of water = 800 lbs
rock = 80 lbs
sand = 80 lbs
tank and stand =100 lbs
So Im just about to 1100 lbs and I think the joists are rated for 1200 lbs. Im going to check to see how close they are and how long they run and report back
Sump questions
Should the rock rubble be in or out of the water? If out how about noise (this is in my room)
What kinda silicone to use? I bought a 3 oz bottle is that enough? 24 hrs to dry before water test?
Tank move
How do I move the sand in the 55? Drain is then move it add water after the rock then let the water trickle down to try to keep the sand storm to a min?
Can I add my fish after I move all the water or will the sand cloud be too bad?
Is adding 30 more gallons to the 55 water going to mess things up? Is there a chance of spike again?
Thanks again for everyones help.. Pics will be up soon


what can i use to clean the glass that wont scrape it? There is still a little green on there razor blade or credit card ? What wont scrape the tank glass?


I will help with what i can here...
first off, i am having a little bit of troubling how you plan on setting up your plumbing. do you plan on using the 1" as a drain and the 3/4" as a return, or both drains with returns that hang over the back of the tank?
a picture of your sump idea would be pretty helpful. even a rough sketch in paint would help.
the rubble rock... you want under water.
for silicone, i have always used GE silicone II without any problems. Though it does say not for aquarium use, i believe there are many people that use it.
I like setting up a tank with live rock right before i put water in. that way i dont have to have my arms in the water while arranging it, and i can be sure everything is gonna stay put. right after i get the rock in, but a few inches of water in, and then add sand. the shallow water lets you move the sand around easily without creating a sand storm. Then i fill up the tank by pouring water over the rocks, so you dont get a direct stream into the sand.
I would take as much water from the 55 as you can, and then finish the rest with freshly mixed salt water. Your sand cloud should be minimal and moving your fish over shouldnt be a problem.