55gal FOWLR...help me pick last fish!


New Member
Tank has been running for 1 year. 65lbs of LR. Current fish list: 1 bicolor angel, 1 royal gramma, 1 banggai cardinal & 1 blue/green chromis. I would like to add 1 more active/colorful fish. Any suggestions?


New Member
Try a Hippo Tang. Real colorful and active. It also comes with some personality and will get along with what you have.


Originally Posted by Junco
Try a Hippo Tang. Real colorful and active. It also comes with some personality and will get along with what you have.

how can you justify adding a fish to a 55 that gets longer than the tank is wide?
how about a sixline wrasse instead?


New Member
Originally Posted by NEreef
how can you justify adding a fish to a 55 that gets longer than the tank is wide?
how about a sixline wrasse instead?
I stand corrected. A 55g is to small for a fully grown hippo. I started thinking about color, active and non-aggressive and lost sight of the tank size. Sorry. How about a few more Green Chromis. I know a group of them would make an interesting display. Just need to watch bioload.

small triggers

Active Member
what about a barracuda?? huh that could be fun. lol But I personally like the longnose hawkfish a bit better. or a sandsifting kind of goby or colorful blennie?


yellow or purple tang is my suggestion. get a small one 2 or 3 inches and if he gets too big in a a few years you can trade it in for another small one. very easy, colorful, and loads of personality. great algae grazers too!
Originally Posted by dolphinsfan
Tank has been running for 1 year. 65lbs of LR. Current fish list: 1 bicolor angel, 1 royal gramma, 1 banggai cardinal & 1 blue/green chromis. I would like to add 1 more active/colorful fish. Any suggestions?