55gal Lighting


I have a 55gal FOWLR that I want to make into a reef. Would this light be enough for corals and anenomes?
48" Nova Extreme T5 HO 4x54W with Lunar Lights (216 Watts)
If not then what about the 48" Nova Extreme T5 HO 8x54W with Lunar Lights (432 Watts)

heart & sole

the 4x54 would be okay for softies but not an anemone...the 8x54 should be good for softies, LPS and some SPS "monti's"...so i would go with the 8x54


Active Member
on a 55, i think a 4x54 would be enough to keep softies, LPS, a BTA and maybe even some hardy SPS and clams near the surface IF the bulbs are individually reflected. Notsure if the one you mentioned has indv. reflectors or not. At my LFS they have a 75 with a 4x54 indv. reflected and they keep the nicest LPS in there you'll ever see. I know aquactinics and tek lights make good fixtures with indv. reflectors. I may get a tek light for my reef soon too.