55gal reef or 90 gal



Right now i have a 55gal but i am having trouble stacking the rock up high and keeping it stable because of how narrow it is just wondering if spending another $500 buck for the tank and oak stand is worth it and upgrading. My lighting and equipment is capable of handling the 90 gal what do you all think. Also i you know anyway of buying used let me know.


well there are easy ways to fix the rock problem if you choose to stay with the 55 but sooner or later you will be mad thatyou didnt upgrade to a larger tank everyone does it.. if you choose to keep it though get the largest pieces for the bottom and put them as close to the front as is nice for the tank then stack in size dont add another untill the ones under are stable .. if you take your time it will work fine
good luck


Do you think if i upgrade to a 90 gal or 75 i will be happy for a while of should i go bigger what i want is more depth so i can have the big rock on the bottom and still had sand in frot of it.


I have a 35g hex and it's tough to do too, but be patient and it'll work. Keep it running and then buy the 90g. I'm trying to find a nice used 180-200g now after my fish in my 75g is getting pretty big.


Active Member
I have the same problem with a 55 gallon. It is too narrow. I wish I would of bought a 75 (same length but more depth) before I spent all my money and set up a 55.