

I Thought it would be cool to start a thread for people to show off their 55gallon reef tanks.
I will have my pics up soon.. I wanna get some more ideas for my aquarium.


Active Member
Here is mine through the whole process of 8 months. It will soon be tore down and used as my refugium for my 125.



I am currently putting together a 55g reef. The tank has built in overflow and I am finishing building the stand this weekend. I am putting two 150w MH and 2 130w PCs as the lighting over the main tank. I am having a custom built sump/refug (24"x10"x15") being built with a mag5 being used as the return pump and a 96w powerquad supplying the lighting(leftover from my old nano tank). I have a turboflotor multi 1000 for a protein skimmer. For flow in the tank I have 2 maxijet 900 and a maxijet1200 (not sure if I need all that flow). I am finishing up the stand this weekend and painting the back of the tank, so i will put a few pictures of the progress on the site.


Hey hot883 nice reef tank you got there. How much LR do you have in those pics? I'm setting my 55 reef up in a few weeks, and probably order the rock from this site. I'm thinking about ordering 75 lbs. Let me know
thanx Mike


what is that green plant...I like it...along with the rest of your tank...very nice...i need a friggin camera...!! my little 55 is coming together slowly but surly.


New Member
That's a real nice tank. I've been thinking about starting a tank just like that one.
Could you post your specs? and maybe any troubles you had with it?
Great tank once again!



This is my 55gal, I just added a branching frogspawn to it today on the upper right side of the tank.


Active Member
relativly new but here is my sps 55 gallon. Its not that glamorous right now but its getting there. here is a angeled tank shot and some of my sps



Active Member
Originally Posted by Mike35019
Hey hot883 nice reef tank you got there. How much LR do you have in those pics? I'm setting my 55 reef up in a few weeks, and probably order the rock from this site. I'm thinking about ordering 75 lbs. Let me know
thanx Mike
Mike thats a little over 100 lbs. of live rock


Active Member
Originally Posted by AzOcean709
what is that green plant...I like it...along with the rest of your tank...very nice...i need a friggin camera...!! my little 55 is coming together slowly but surly.
The green plant is caulerpa (sp) and grows like mad. I chop it out every other week or so and add it to my fuge.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bishop
That's a real nice tank. I've been thinking about starting a tank just like that one.
Could you post your specs? and maybe any troubles you had with it?
Great tank once again!
55 tank, 29 gal. sump/fuge. 4 power heads and an overflow and return for circulation. I run about 1,000 gph. The lights are Odesey 260w of P.C.'s. 100+ lbs. of LR, 60 lbs. of LS. I have mushrooms, ricordeas, gorgonian, many zoanthids, button polyps, star polyps, large feather duster, 100's of small dusters, 1 brain, 50+ hermits blue legs and scarlets, 2 harlequin sea serpeant stars, 1 sand sifting star, 75 nassirius snails and 9 fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RUBBERDUCK
relativly new but here is my sps 55 gallon. Its not that glamorous right now but its getting there. here is a angeled tank shot and some of my sps
Nice tank, wished mine looked half as good.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jobob
heres mine with actinic and some close ups

jobob, what is that in the second pic? Is it a candy cane?
Looks great by the way


its a blassomosa. well i cant really spell it. its kinda like a candy cane, since it has a hard shell. but more of a mushroom head. they are one of my favorite corals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
Nice tank, wished mine looked half as good.

thx alot
i tried realy hard and yes i did that by my self. Bad thing is i rearraged a little to make it more sturdy. yeah its one of my favorites, i made it around my ph too for maximum flow for sps. thx