58 gal reef tank for sale in NJ monmouth county


58 gal reef ready(built-in overfloat)
cherry oak stand and canopy
250w MH and 2-110w VHO
1/4 Horsepower chillers(Pacific Coast Import)
Fluval 404 canister filter
25gal sump
protien skimmer
over 100lbs live rock
3 inch live sand bed
i want to sell everything in one piece if any one interest in this feel free to give me an offer thet992004@yahoo.com



im pretty sure this isnt what you have in mind but . . . . I need some Live rock for a decent price . . . think I can buy some from you? (not sure how much Id buy, but please let me know if ud be willing to sell me some (and a price). If you want you can send me an email, i believe I allow other users to do so, but if i didnt lemme know.


interested in every thing let me know how much u will part for and let me know where u live. email me @ biglin38@comcast.net
also send me some more pics and the size of tank with the dementions thank you for your time i will also email you


I live in edison. I also have a oceanic 58g. If you decide to part out please send me an email . popnfrresh at gmail.com

ortho bill

I am the manager for Orthopaedic at Thomas Jefferson Hospital. We have a 75G Tropical fish tank that has been running a Fluval 404 in our family waiting area. It broke yesterday. Would you be willing to sell yours and ship to 08096?
Thanks, Bill