5gallon Fuge.... what do i do?!?


what exactly do i need to get this going and started?
This is my list so far:
5gal rubbermaid container
20gph Powerhead- for water movement
1 air stone
5gal of Distilled water
5lbs of LR
4inch SandBed
3 Hermit Crabs
3 Turbo Snails
1 Bag of Culpera
but i have no idea on how to get the water going back and forth from the tank and fuge. And i have done a search on the boards and it said an overflow box to get the water down to the fuge, but how do i get the water back into the tank? And i also saw in some designs there were partitions, but what were they used for to seperate?
thank you


fishy I feel your pain. You will need an overflow to take water from the display tank to the fuge. At the other end you will want a return pump which will return the water to the display tank. You won't need those partitions (baffles) since you are doing fuge only. This is information that I have picked up on the board from all my questions dealing with setting up a sump and fuge. I hope this helps out a little.


Lifereef makes good overflows just add a .com to the name. They also sell good pumps. I went with a lifereef overflow and Mag 9 pump. This pump may be too big for a fuge it just depends on how much water you will be moving. Are you interested in a sump or fuge and what is the reason? You can also do a search for DIY overflow designs.