5Mnth update on my 55gal


I think things are coming along quite well...My anemone has been preying on all my former little fish but luckily ive been obsessing over corals and mushrooms so seeing that i only have two fish left does not really bother me. Here is the current stock list as well as tank specs with pictures below
55lbs LR
40lbs LS
4x65W PC lighting 10hr photoperiod
20 gal Wet Dry w Rio 2100 for return
Maxijet 900 for flow
1 Purple Starfish
2 Sand sifter starfish
1 Gold Stripe Maroon Clown
1 Paddlefin Lunar Red Sea Wrasse
1 Rose Bubble Tip Anemone
Pink, Orange, Blue, Purple, Violet and Green Ricordia
Green SPS (not sure what anybody feel free to ID)
Orange Zoos
Green Zoos
Yellow Zoos
Star Polyps
Polyp Unknown (Feel free again)
1 Giant Mushroom
Grapevine Coral or something im not sure
Green Mushrooms



Active Member
Ha ha! 1st pic in post #5... INCOMIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!! SNAIL BOMB, 11 O'Clock!!! Dispatch counter measures!!!!
Anyhow, GORGEOUS pix Jewban!
...what DOES your screen name mean? :thinking:


Active Member
AWESOME!!! Yay, a landsman :happy:
Oh I can IMAGINE the Rosh-Hashana dinners.............


i wnat more
my tank is to be a ricordia haven...i love the stuff that and zoos i want all and every...hehe thanks for all the support people ive been working hard...this is my first tank and so far i havent done anythign terribly wrong so im knocking on wood...hehe

nemo lover

looks real nice. Your doing a great job. Are you have any algae problems from the window behind the tank? I bet you could bring out those colors even more if you put up a background. Either way looks wonderful.