6 gal. Nano water change


New Member
I started my first 6 gal. Nano two weeks ago but I dont know when or how much of a water change I need to do :notsure:


Active Member
R U talking about water changes during the cycle, or maintenance after the cycle? :notsure:


Active Member
Good point Labby... don't do any water changes until the cycle is over. When the cycle completes do a 1 1/2 gallon water change and then start the weekly water changes.


New Member
My cycle is not quite over yet. I did drop a scarlet hermit, conehead snail and a AquaClear 80gph powerhead in the tank yesterday. All is well except that my gravity droped from 1.022-1.020 that is why I was asking about a waterchange, thanks for the help everyone.


Active Member
If you're not done with the cycle, then specific gravity isn't too big of a concern. But if you want to stabalize it w/o a water change, toss in couple table spoons of instant ocean or other salt mix into your topoff water. Add this until SG comes up to where you want it. BUT, before you do that make sure your temp is consistent from one reading to the next. SG is effected by temp.
I have a 5.5 AGA invert tank and never really expect to have the same levels from one week to the next. Avg daily evaporation swings my SG + .02 . It's a great "Vacation Home" for my snails and shrimp from my main tanks.