6" Hermit Crab FS/Trade in Minnesota


New Member
I just purchased this GIANT hermit crab with 4-6" legs and a shell the size of a baseball. If you are familiar with NY Giants football, think Brandon Jacobs plowing around my tank. He is extremly active, however he has intimidated the sh-t out of my tangs, wrasse, and damselfishes. It is chaos! I would love to trade this pig to someone who can provide a better home (100 gal+ tank)


I can't help out, sorry. But I thought your description was hilarious and worth a bump. Good luck!


New Member
A coworker of mine suggested I donate the beast to his wife's middle school classroom. His wife is a special needs teacher and something like this crab might be educationally helpful or like Terrell Owens a major distraction!