6 Line Fatality


Active Member
Man, I haven't lost a fish in a long time. My six line has disappeared and I fear he's dead. Not exactly a shy fish so not having seen him in a while portends a tragedy. I've read that wrasses aren't long lived so it could be a natural death.
Having said all that. I want to replace him.
Any suggestions on an active fish in a 72 gallon reef tank with the following:
Yellow Tang, Flame Cardinal, Firefish, Scissortaill, Neon Goby and a Percula. Plus the normal inverts, shrimp, snails etc.


May be it's just my mentally challenged pets but.... twice now I have retrieved my 6-line from my overflow.... which holds about 3 inches of water. When ever I cant find a fish I look in there. just a thought.
By the way, my over flow is a hang on type with a syphon. (undrilled tank)


Active Member
RSD, thanks for the thought. Unfortunately though I don't have an overflow. I did check for carpet surfing though and that wasn't the case either. I think he just went into one of the caves and checked out.
Sammy, thanks for your input too. I'm curious to see how the tang does. It was the first fish in the tank (I know, have learned much since then) and every addition has been greeted with a curious look and then ignored. I can only hope that this particular tang has a great disposition. I do have a plan B though as a I have a FOWLR tank that can accept another fish if adding to the reef doesn't work.
Having said all that......I still would love some recommendations from the board:cool:


Active Member
Why not another sixline? I added mine to my tank months after my yellow tan and it was not a problem.