6 Line has a fat stomach


Active Member
I just looked at my 6 line cruising around my rock work. I fed about 2 hours ago with a mix of different sea food. Scallops, calamari, mussels and shrimp. I have not fed this to my fish in about a month. It had been sitting in a zip lock bag in my freezer. I usually feed mysis. When i cut the pieces off the frozen block i accidentally got some on the table. I did not think anything of this until i fed it to the fish. I went back to look at the counter and it had some salt and pepper where i had prepared their food. Can pepper inflame his stomach?
My clown has a slightly larger tummy as well. What else could it be? If it is the pepper will it pass?
28 gal Bow
nitrate: .1
nitrite: 0
Ammonia: 0
Ph: 8.2
DKH: 11
Temp: 82F
Salinity 1.023


Staff member
I have a sand perch who also devours chucks of fresh seafood that must be twice the size of his stomach....the result is he looks like he swallowed a marble.
If you're worried, just keep a close eye on them over the next day and see if anything really develops. Otherwise.....I think they are fine.
You may want to make that a more frequent feature in the fish menu. Fresh over frozen is better, IMO.


Active Member
well, it is not realy fresh food. I just bought two 6 pound packs of mixed sea food from the grocery store, added garlic juice, then blended up and froze (great smell by the way!). The fish seem to love it.


Staff member
Yes, I do that too. Most of the "fresh" seafood at the grocery store are really frozen foods too :D That is pretty much what I use for my fishes' diet. However, since you are mixing up your won food, you might want to try mince the garlic fresh instead of the juice. I have found it to be more effective.


Active Member
thanx beth! I will keep an eye on the little guy. But what about the whole pepper thing? could that cause an inflamation?


Staff member
It is not likely that a few grains of peper would even stay on the food once you added the food to the tank. I think if the fish is acting fine otherwise, you shouldn't concern yourself. However, just for safe measure, keep and eye out for a few days.