6 line wrasse KIA--- help help


my tank is CYCLED -- i bought a 6 line wrasse, a clarkii clown and a condi anemone.-- the anemone is already hosting the clarkii ( they said at the lfs that would never happen) but my bak pak rio pump sucked in the wrasse.
does that mean i cant have any little fish? is that pretty normal for bak paks if the fish are little? it was pretty small
--- also the clarkii attacks any hermit crab that comes within about 6 inches of the anemone is that normal?-- and it sleeps under neath the anemone and during the day it stays ontop of it... any feedback would be greatly appreciated thanks

barry cuda

I understand it to be very normal for clowns to aggressively defend their host anemones, even against larger fish. I wouldn't sweat that one.
Sorry to hear about the wrasse. You might look at putting a sponge block or something over the filter intake to see if it helps reduce the casualty rate.