6 Line Wrasse Question


R they good fish to start off with? My ammonia is going down to 0(0.25, but is going down slowly) and my nitrites are 0.50(coming down from spike). My nitrates are about 20. Sg is ok and temp 80-82. Am I ready for him? I have 11 lbs of LR and 20 lbs. of LS. I have a 29 gallon, Emperor 280 bio wheel, 20 w light, 150 w heater, adn a 301 powerhead. So can I get a 6 line wrasse?


Active Member
You might want to lower your Nitrate. I had some wrasses die at 20 nitrate. You might try a water change if you're done cycling. FYI, they like to bury in the sand and I didn't see mine for awhile until he popped up one day. Bout scared me to death...:scared:


They are a pretty good reef fish, however it would not be my first choice to add. Maybe after a clownfish or something. Figure out the list of fish you would want first, then we can help you put them in order.

debbie g

I would wait till your ammonia and nitrites are completely gone. Why take a chance on losing your money and killing a fish?


My ammonia is 0 and so is my nitrites. But my nitrates are around 20. I'll wait to do a water change. I'll probably get 2 false perculas or occelaris clowns as my first fish. Sadly, I am gonna get them at pet*o because they have a 2 week guarantee. My LFS does not have a guarantee, but they take better care of their animals and know what they are talking about. I might get them today. So will the clowns be ok at 20 nitrates?


Nitrates are not as toxic to fish as they are to corals, but I would first do a water change and test your levels again in a day or two before putting the fish in. It's easy to rush putting in fish, but it's less expensive to take your time and make sure everything will live.
I don't think a 6 line wrasse would be a bad first fish. I've had one for a long time and I've never considdered him difficult to keep.


Active Member

Originally posted by Sly
FYI, they like to bury in the sand and I didn't see mine for awhile until he popped up one day. Bout scared me to death...:scared:

really? mine has never done that, he just likes to dart in and out of the rocks.


Thanks guys. It's been a long time since I posted anything here. I had 2 perc clowns as my first fish and died. I luckily got a refund on the first one that dies and it died. Then the next clown followed it. I waited a week an then added a 6 line and it died. I think I have fish lice. I saw what looked like 2 on my 6 line. My dad and I r gonna argue for the dead 6 line cause I saw the lice stuff on it when it was floating in my tank. I am not gonna buy anything except for some Lr and hermits for 6 weeks. When the clowns died they faded and had white bloches on it, went in a corner and belly up. The wrasse hid in a cave and when I woke up there was Tyson my CBS chewing on the decaying body of my 6 line. I'm just gonna let it sit for 6 weeks and then try another pair of clowns.