6 month update of my tank



i would like to thank many of you who have helped me in my trek into a reef tank.....
In the short (almost 6 months) time that i have had the tank, i have thankfully not experienced much troubles other than the normal algae blooms, an ich attach which killed off a few fish, and getting my water parameters in order. only thing lingering is my phosphates which should hopefully be reduced with the introduction of algae in my fuge.
I have acquired alot of my reef from LFS and a few nice ones from the frag trade i went too. those are actually my favorite corals since i got to see them go from babies to well on their way to becoming adult size.
My tank.
Set up on 1/15/2003
re-setup with 200lbs LR and 400lbs LS on 2/1/2002 (removed crushed coral and dead bleached corals)
135g with predrilled overflow
2 175w MH and 2 Actinic VHO’s.. VHOs go for 12 hours, MH go for 9 hours right in between
15g W/D filter and a 29g fuge (just water circulating in it right now)
Dosing B-Ionic, Coral Vital, DT’s,
Water changes 5gals bi monthy
Current water readings: taken one hour after VHOs turn on.
0(NH3/NH4)) Ammonia, (NO2) Nitrite, (NO3) Nitrate, Silicates
415(Ca) Calcium
2.9(KH) Carbonate Alk
20(Sr) Strontium
0.5(PO4) phosphate


looks great! IMO, you should get something to light the end's of the tank. that is a real nice looking tank.


thank you..
yeah.. Sr is a bit high... i think 12-16 should be good if my memory serves me correctly...not sure what to do about this, i dont dose Sr anymore, i may have had it way to high when i was originally dosing and using the salifert kit... now with the seachem kit (which i like much better) i get much different readings... so i am going to hope that overtime, it will correct itself though the waterchanges.
about the lighting.. yes, two MH is just not enough for this tank.. but after much debate about getting more lighting, i decided to wait till my next tank for the new lighting system.
I am conteplating a 180 (which is 24 inches in depth rather than 18.. hight and width is the same)... the extra inches would enable me to build the stand in order to accomidate my 135 gallon as the lower part of the tank. not sure if i want it displayed, or just partially displayed... but it will house the w/d, sump, small skimmer (i dont have one, and found i choose to not skimm but just in case, i will leave room for maybe a small skimmer which i would run 30% of the time) and the fuge... i figure 2 feet for sump skimmer and bioballs , 2 feet for the fuge, and 2 feet as a propogation...
then i would invest in 3 400w and maybe still use my 2 175s in between the 400s (thinking 20ks for the 175s and 10ks for the 400s, and either two new 6 foot vhos or 4 4 foot vhos, depending on space)
built in the wall just above the flat panel tv.... hey, i can dream cant i?


Active Member
Looking Good Elan, What happened to the little piece of Sinularia that you got from me? here is a pice of your Colt coral in my Nano now


yes, its still in there... still growing and looking good and healthy... still have the rubber band around it just in case... i tried takign it off before, and it didnt do well... so i figure another few months should do the trick
unfortunately, my current digital cannot focus on it, as it cannot focus on a few other neat things...
I just purchased the Nikon D100 and awaiting its arival... it should give me excellent picutres which i will then post again....
i just did this photoshoot to document the progression.. i have my tank from infancy to where it is now... it will be neat to see a monthly pic by pic once this tank has settled in and grown in a bit...
will post your coral as soon as my nikon comes home to daddy.


got the new camera.. taking all sorts of pictures.. I will end up posting another set of pictures once i figure out how to use it and get some great shots...
here is the shot of your frag!!!