6 months and still algae


i have had my tnak up for about 5 to 6 months and i still get brown algae on my sand and the side of my tank a little....can anyone help me with the problem i dont run my lights alot either


You have to give a list of whats in your tank, how much stuff and the levels of your waters with your test kits for some one to help you.


i tested everthing today and everything is where it is supposed to be and i have 55 gallon filter and 65 gallon super skimmer that i just put on yesterday. i only have 5 little crabs for my 55 gallon tank do i need a better clean up crew and what are some good inverts that will clean the sand bed


I got 6 hermit crabs in my 10 gallon and I need more. I got 6 snails and I need more. Well maybe I don't need more crabs, but a few more snails would be good.


Active Member
Where is the tank? I would willing to throw my toss at somewhere where sunlight is hitting a good portion of it. Even if it is just radiated from another room. Also since you just added that stuff, the skimmer and what not, if I am wrong about the light - you may just have to give it a bit.


it is in the basement of my house no sunlight hits the tank at all and i have 5 hermit crabs in my tank for a clean up crew and thats it
do i need a bigger clean up crew if so what are some good inverts to put in there


Active Member
No. You don't just want stuff to eat the diatoms, you want to find out why they are there in the first place. How often do you feed? and how much? Also, is it a dusting or is thicker? If it just looks like someone baby powdered your tank, then it is probably diatoms. However if it is thicker it could be cyno. Just seems like a weird problem for a tank that has been established that long. Anything added recently like live rock or anything?


Active Member
Water parameters would be nice, as well as are you using RO/DI water? How much are you feeding and how often? Maintenance routine....Type of filtration used?


i feed once a day bc i only have 3 small fish and i feed them flakes a pinch all water paremeters are good and i have not added anything recently the brown looks like a powder also.
i have a regular 55 gallon hang on filter with a corallife super skimmer that i just put on yesterday
thanks for the replies