6 wrasses in a 120 gallon?


Hey everyone I was wondering if i could put 6 wrasses in 120 gallon tank, I do know that sometimes they are very great swimmers and will sometimes bother each other, but i was wondering with that big of a tank it wouldnt matter, heres the fish
Brownbird Wrasse (have 4 inches)
Greenbird Wrasse (going to buy)
Lunare Wrasse (have 5 inches)
Sunshine Wrasse (Lutezcenes?) (have 4 inches)
Cortez Rainbow Wrasse (have 4 inches)
Kluzinger's Wrasse (going to buy)
currently the brownbird wrasse and the cortez rainbow wrasse are in a 55 gallon and the brownbird wrasse and lunare are in another 55 and both sets of birds fit fine, but they dont have enough swimming room since theyre growing, thats why i would like to upgrade,
Please help


Active Member
I've heard the exact opposite. Certain wrasses are more territorial than others, but they are relatively small fish, and if you put them in a tank large enough, you should be fine. Goodwin9 has a 600 gallon tank, and has like 40 wrasses in them, some as expensive as $150 each!
So I think you're fine, man. If you add a sixline, he should go last.


Active Member
Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
I've heard the exact opposite. Certain wrasses are more territorial than others, but they are relatively small fish, and if you put them in a tank large enough, you should be fine. Goodwin9 has a 600 gallon tank, and has like 40 wrasses in them, some as expensive as $150 each!
You are semi-correct. The small, reef-safe, flames and fairy wrasses goodwin has are indeed okay to have multiples of. However, dealing with the large, aggressive wrasse proposed in the OP list, they are not conducive to have have multiples of the same genus in a tank, at least in anything like the OP suggested tank.
codemaster, in my opinion, only the Kluzinger's Wrasse is fine in a 120. The Lunare, Cortez, Sunset (aka Banana, aka Sunshine), and the Birds will outgrow the 120 by themselves, let alone trying to stock multiple Thalassomas
in there. My Goldbar Wrasse (same thing as a Lunare/Sunset), was too big for my 125 at 5.5". If you really wanted to stock all those wrasses together, you should be looking at a tank in the thousands of gallons....


Active Member
I wouldn't put a Sunset and Lunare together in my 240, it would be a battle to th the death, my Sunset barely tolerates my Harlequin Tusk, and they don't even look alike....Like Aquaknight said Thalassoma wrasses do not tolerate one another very well in normal sized tanks.
I did see a "Wrasse Tank" at the Maui Aquarium a few weeks ago, very impressive....It had probably about 20 wrasses in there, the tank was over 1,000 gallons though. Very very active tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
You are semi-correct. The small, reef-safe, flames and fairy wrasses goodwin has are indeed okay to have multiples of. However, dealing with the large, aggressive wrasse proposed in the OP list, they are not conducive to have have multiples of the same genus in a tank, at least in anything like the OP suggested tank.
codemaster, in my opinion, only the Kluzinger's Wrasse is fine in a 120. The Lunare, Cortez, Sunset (aka Banana, aka Sunshine), and the Birds will outgrow the 120 by themselves, let alone trying to stock multiple Thalassomas
in there. My Goldbar Wrasse (same thing as a Lunare/Sunset), was too big for my 125 at 5.5". If you really wanted to stock all those wrasses together, you should be looking at a tank in the thousands of gallons....

Originally Posted by kjr_trig

I wouldn't put a Sunset and Lunare together in my 240, it would be a battle to th the death, my Sunset barely tolerates my Harlequin Tusk, and they don't even look alike....Like Aquaknight said Thalassoma wrasses do not tolerate one another very well in normal sized tanks.
I did see a "Wrasse Tank" at the Maui Aquarium a few weeks ago, very impressive....It had probably about 20 wrasses in there, the tank was over 1,000 gallons though. Very very active tank.
You're talking a battle to the death, you really should see a mature lunar wrasse, your talking 12 inch fish the as fat as my wrist, a 120 when you are talking very very aggressive large fish is a tiny tank.