60 gallon cube 25x25x24


I want aggressive fish(FOWLR), I was wondering what kind of aggressive fish i can put in this aquarium????Some Questions for you guys?Would a Antennata Lionfish be alright? max size: 8 inches?
Valentini Puffer
? any other puffers? max size: 5 inches?
Maroon Clownfish
? max size: 6 inches?
60 gallons(cube) wont be enough for stingrays
right???(just making sure)
Could i put a Yellow Tang
(max size: 10 inches)with these fish or is the tank too small?
Any suggestions with other kinds of fish?
If I buy all the proper Filtration, protein skimmer, ect... will i have to do a lot of tank cleaning???


25"x25" is better suited for a Reef tank then an Aggressive tank IMO.You could get by with a Dwarf Lion,Angler,or smaller fish that do not swim alot or need the length to thrive. You could maybe get a couple engineer gobies or a smaller moray eels.
To answer a few of your questions... all the fish you mentioned are not feasible in your tank.
Even with all the proper equipment you will still need to clean your tank. Just part of this hobby and not much you can do to get away with not doing this.


Ok thanks for the info.
I will look for a rectangular tank. I have a 125 gallon but too buy everything u need is pretty expensive can u list the basic things i need to start the aquarium cycle???

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by cal559
Ok thanks for the info.
I will look for a rectangular tank. I have a 125 gallon but too buy everything u need is pretty expensive can u list the basic things i need to start the aquarium cycle???
sump, powerheads, skimmer, heaters, lights, sand, live rock, stand, thats all i can think of right now


Originally Posted by cal559
and how much u think

Buy used and you will save a load of cash. Find a local reef club in your area and find some deals.