60 Gallon Square,


New Member
I just purchased a 60 gallon Square Tank, it measures 26" x 26" x ?"tall. It came with 100w metal halide and 120w floresent. I'm planning on putting a 10 gallon sump and a apropriate sized skimmer.
I would love to keep a shark in it. Is there a particular breed that can live happily in a tank this size?
Also would like a good web site devoted to sharks for the home?
Thanks for the help!!!


sorry, that tank is too small for any sharks.... with the metal hylide go for a reef! plus go for a 20 gallon sump, you will be much happier...


I'd definetly go with a reef with that setup. If you want SPS you'll need to upgrade to like a 250w MH htough. That tank's too small for sharks. Go reef or FOWLR.