60 gallon


i have a 60 gallon saltwater that is currently cycling and i am trying to decide on weather to make it an aggressive or a community fo I am leaning toward a community tank because more diverse choices but i was wondering on the subject of triggers would it be possible to put 2-3 of the more peaceful and smaller natured triggers in this tank and have them co exist I also do not have any plans to upgrade in the near future, this will be the biggest it will be for a while also if anyone has any suggestions as to community fish i would be glad to get any info thanks


Triggers are notoriously evil. I know, there are exceptions, but how often do these exceptions occur? I'll never know, because as much as I love to look at them, and love the thought of having one, I refuse to take the chance that it will bite the heater tube, or that it will scrape its' teeth on the aquarium...
I wouldn't suggest having them together, but if you're really set on putting a trigger in a 60gal, I'd go with either the pink tailed (Which i feel would get a bit large, but if you got it small, and someday plan on getting a larger tank...) or the picasso (humuhumu). Both are fairly passive in terms of triggers...the picasso is the right size for this tank you're setting up. Make sure that any crustacean (cleaner shrimp, CB shrimp, emerald crabs, etc) that you want in that tank hit the rock before you put the trigger in...a guy I met via my LFS told me a story about his clown trigger and an emerald crab that I will always remember, and I'll sum up for you.
He bought a clown trigger, and it was the first thing he'd put into his tank other than some mushrooms and some cucumbers (slaps forehead) about a week later, he bought about ten emerald crabs...somewhere around the 5th to fall into the tank, the clown trigger decided he couldn't take anymore and *must* eat at least one, swam over, and got a face full of emerald crab...the smart little crab however, didn't feel like being lunch that day, and grabbed on with all legs and claws flailing around. the guy said that he couldn't help but laugh because the emerald crab was stomping a mudhole in that triggers butt and walking it dry...he laughed all the way until he realised a 25 dollar crab was about to kill a 150 dollar fish. The whole time this crab was trying to take this triggers' eyes out, the trigger was *still* trying to eat him. Instead of trying to smash him or get him off his eyes..he wanted to eat him. Stubborn and mean.


Any trigger would out grow the tank in time, There is no way you could put that many and have them live in peace. Go with the community tank you will be happier. Good luck

oze reefer

no go with a predator tank.......Its great when you walk into your LFS and think to yourself "what do they have had would nail a "livie" (feeder)"........check out my predator tank ready for filling and cycling


New Member
Hey Oze Reefer,
How big (LxWxH) is the tank you have on the picture? And how many pounds of live rock do you have? I have a 80 gal (48x18x21) (still cycling) and I wanna get some live rock but I don't know how many lbs I should get. I don't want my tank looking like a big reef, I just wanna a few places where my fish can hide. I saw this great deal online, 45 lbs. for $150, but I don't now if 45 lbs is too much.


Active Member
Gabe, trust me, an aggressive tank looks very good with a lot of liverock. In my 75, i have at least 60lbs. I'm trying to get some more as well. Triggers, groupers, eels, wrasses, and lions all love it. Bo