60g Tank Setup


Active Member
Someone will be giving me a 60g tank in a few weeks that I plan to make a fish only tank. I don't plan to add any rock at first but I will add some fake ornamental stuff (I believe it's fake driftwood). I believe the lights are compacts and I think it's running a fluval. Sorry I don't have a lot of info on it right now. It's my dad's old tank that has been running for about a year with nothing in it. I thought it was a 75g but it's actually a 60 but hey, it's free!
My question is: do you cycle a fish only tank? I'm guessing no but I never had a fish only saltwater tank.
If the answer is no, how long before I can add fish to it. Right now it's set up for freshwater. So I plan to dump the water out, clean everything and then set it up.
I hope to be able to add a fish to it soon because it's time to find my maroon clown a new home. He's a terror!!!


Active Member
Make sure your dad never added copper to the tank. If he did pretty sure I would pass on setting it up as saltwater.
All tanks need to be cycled first.


Active Member
Ok. Didn't think about the copper so I will ask him. He did have some cichlids that got hole in the head and he treated it with something but not sure if copper was ever used.
Is copper so bad because it gets into the seals and really never filters out?


Active Member
Originally Posted by mrdc http:///forum/thread/380448/60g-tank-setup#post_3311186
Ok. Didn't think about the copper so I will ask him. He did have some cichlids that got hole in the head and he treated it with something but not sure if copper was ever used.
Is copper so bad because it gets into the seals and really never filters out?
Yup, it will leach into the sealant. If you wanted it to be fish only with absolutely no coral or live rock, you would be fine.


Active Member
Copper is a trace element the corals need it... Just not at Ich treatment level. No one has provide test data that shows copper leaches from old tanks. I currently have a reef set up in my old 25 gal QT that I would treat Ich with Cupramine in. So I am saying that unless you have direct experience with a specific type of copper, you should then test it, to prove it....


Active Member
I actually found my copper test kit. I will fill the tank with water and let it sit for a few days and then test for it.