65 gal (56k stay away, large pics)


New Member
I got a tripod the other day, and I had justt cleaned the tank and I got a new little black percula. constructive criticizm and comments are appreciated.



New Member
Thanks. I figured I would trick the fish with the rocks on the front of the glass. I have a ghost ribbon that lurks in the back so the fish actual hide behind the rock @ the front making them pretty much always visable/


Active Member
Resize them, it takes away from your pictures having to scroll. I use 1280x 1024 Res. on my main screen and still have to scroll since they are 1416x1064. Just a suggestion...


New Member
I know what you mean. I have them re-sized on my personal computer @ home. For now I just had the high quality u/l to my site. And if i resize them the quality goes away :)


Active Member
Copy them to a new name and upload the smaller ones and edit your links to call the new names. You can bacth rename at a command promtpt or Windows Explorer can do the function as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by surfinusa
what kind of eel is that :thinking:
looks like a white ribbon or a ghost...


New Member
It is a ghost ribbion eel, he is very cool and has a great personalitly. Always sticking his head thru the smallest spots or peering over the anenome, hes also very well trained and he eats right off the feeder stick.


Active Member
Originally Posted by phishin420
It is a ghost ribbion eel, he is very cool and has a great personalitly. Always sticking his head thru the smallest spots or peering over the anenome, hes also very well trained and he eats right off the feeder stick.
thats great that u have him feeding