65 gallon stocking questions


Hi all -
I am inheriting a 65 gallon full setup that is already established. I am planning on selling off the corals (not very many in there now), and converting the tank to an aggressive fish only tank. Here is what is coming with the tank, and what I am thinking of adding to it.
Cinnamon Clown: approx 3"
Small Pygmy Angel
Lawnmower Blenny (not sure how big - will only keep him in there if he's big enough)
I have also got coming to me 3 fish from a local fish club member that is breaking down his tank. They are:
a Picasso Trigger with a great personality (approx 4 "),
a yellow damsel,
and a bluefin damsel.
The last fish I plan to add are: a small sixline wrasse, a yellow tang, and eventually (not too soon) a dwarf fuzzy lionfish.
I am pretty diligent with my water changes, so I'm not too worried about that. Nonetheless, is this going to work? My LFS said they would take the cinammon clown if I decided not to keep it.
Also, I am planning on getting a UV sterilizer to help with the cleanliness of the tank. Never bought one. Any ideas of what kind/size/rating I should get?
Is there ANY type of clean up crew that will live in this tank? My angel does fine with the clean up crew in my 20G, and the clown & blenny also live with a clean up crew. Not sure about the trigger.
Any advice much appreciated!


Well, Your tank really isn't that agressive. I only can see your trigger picking on your clean-up crew. Or say a Anntennae Lion Or a Dwarf ?