65 Gallon

Hello all. I've been without a tank since '97 and have just ordered a 65 Gallon IFS set-up for my office--I don't have room for a bigger tank there. I would love to have a shark in it. From what I recall and have read (including searching these archives), 65 gal. is too small for ANY shark. I would appreciate any thoughts on whether there is any way to humanely keep any type of shark in a 65 gallon for the duration. Thanks.


To keep a shark in that size tank would not be good at all especially for the fish. Remember that the smallest shark gets to be about 3' long. You could do a baby banded cat shark they are about 4"-6" when they are little but they grow quick. I you were planning on getting a bigger tank in the future you could do this. But you said you are limited in space. So your best bet is to think of something else to go with. i hope this helps


Active Member
i agree 65 is just too small to keep any shark for a period longer than 6 months and that would even be pushing it


The 65 would only work with a newly hatched shark and then you wouldn't be able to keep it all that long. Plus since the tank is small, you would be really limited in what decor could be used. The shark would need the room that LR or other decorations would normally take up.
The 65 would make a nice reef tank though, and that would probably be cheaper in the long run compared to the expenses involved in setting up a shark tank.