65gallon R.R. - Any ideas or thoughts before I set it up?


I just picked up a 65 gallon R.R. tank, sump, pump, stand, and canopy retro'd with one halide, two 22" T5's (all for $200
). I currently have a 75 gallon and am going to transfer my stuff over next month. I wanted to know from you guys though if there is anything I should do ahead of time that I might not be able to do when the livestock is in or when it is too heavy to move, etc...
For example, I thought about painting the background black, but I heard that it doesn't turn out well all the time because the glass is too smooth for the paint to adhere to. A good idea that somebody recommended was painting a thin board (cut to my tank size) black and just screwing that into my stand behind the tank.
I had also thought about gutting my canopy, tin-foiling it for reflection, and then reinstalling everything. I don't know if it will make much of a difference in lighting, but if it helps at all then its worth it.
This is the kind of stuff I'm talking about. I know there have been a few situations w/ my current tank that I would have liked to have the tank empty to work on it. Being that this is my first time with 1) A sump and 2) A retrofitted hood, I'm probably missing something.
Any suggestions would help. Thanks!


I will be honest with you and have no idea what you are talking about lol. What is it? Oh and I also thought about cutting eggcrate for the bottom so that there aren't pressure points on my glass.
Originally Posted by socal57che
Do a false rock back wall.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Wahoowa http:///forum/post/3000077
I will be honest with you and have no idea what you are talking about lol. What is it? Oh and I also thought about cutting eggcrate for the bottom so that there aren't pressure points on my glass.
1. Eggcrate the back wall
2. cover it with expansion foam (for ponds) from Home Depot
3. add aragonite sand and rubble rock
It makes an INCREDIBLE backgoround...and saves black paint.

I just looked up maxalmon's thread...


That absolutely scares the hell out of me lol. That looks SOOOO sweet but I'd be so afraid to take that project on. I feel like I'd majorly mess something up or that somewhere down the road something on the back wall would break or the foam would release toxins or something. I don't know....you've got me thinking.


Active Member
I tried it on our 72 when we set it up, but didn't research it well enough...it floated.
I would DEFINITELY do it again. Just read up on the process and be sure to epoxy the eggcrate the back glass. It is well worth the time and effort, IMO. We have an empty 55 in the dining room. It will
get a fake back wall before it gets filled.
People will help walk you through the process.

eric b 125

his wall turned out real good, but i think that it's real easy to make them look cheap and gaudy. JMO. personally, i like the look and contrast of the good ol' fashion black background.


I think if I were to do it, I would just epoxy the back eggcrate to the base eggcrate, so that the weight of my base rock would hold everything down. Won't this project ruin the rock though if I decide that I don't like it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Wahoowa
I think if I were to do it, I would just epoxy the back eggcrate to the base eggcrate, so that the weight of my base rock would hold everything down. Won't this project ruin the rock though if I decide that I don't like it?
I have seen several first hand and every one has looked outstanding. Mine even looked good...until it floated...talk about a mess.