

Anyone know if those ***** cards they give you can save money on fish?
And I was wondering if anyone here has a tornic heater. Do they work good?


I wouldn't buy anyfish from *****....they dont generally maintane there tanks very well. Never had a heater by that brand.

fish boy

it saves money on some fish and my ***** has lots of healthy fish no sighns of disease and they know what they are doing

jordan 150

Ive had goodluck with ***** on the freshwater fish but with saltwater the one where i live is constantly a mess they loose lots of hermit crabs and horseshoe crabs every day and i dont even try getting a fish there. You should try and stay away from pet stores stick to fish stores cause with pet stores usually they are more consirned with the dogs cats reptiles birds etc and they tend to neglect there fish but if the one buy your house is good go for it


New Member
I agree with the rest about the quality of *****'s fish. But for the price it is sometimes worth it to have a separate tank to use before introducing your fish to the main tank. I have a ten gallon set up for this purpose with excellent water quality, uv sterilizer, the works. But I would say this is only worked 80% of the time. I bought 10 fish/inverts from them 8 made it and are doing quite well. So if you have the patients this method will save you a few bucks, I recommend this method no matter where you buy your livestock you'll be happier in the long-run.


***** usually only has sales for their member card holders for the freshies only; occasionally they might have 1 or 2 salties on sale; sometimes a great deal even; like $30 for a purple tang...each ***** varies; VERY FEW are knowlagable, let alone give a darn about salties or freshies...least around here...but trooper is right, you should quarantine all new additions; we usually wait to pick out a cerain fish; if it's been there for 2-3 weeks, we figure it should be more than hardy to survive at home
you could try shopping online; you pay for the S&H, but usually there is a week's guarantee; if there are other hobbyist near you, you could split the S&H fees :cool:


The ***** in my area does a great job in maintaing their saltwater tanks. I was impressed. As with any big chain store they vary considerably from store to store. I have a couple of tronic heaters that I've been running for a long time, and have had no problems with them.

eva b.

New Member
The ***** in Humble does a good job on their saltwater fish. They have a couple of people who are really sharp on the subject. Every once in a while they will have a tank that doesn't look so great and it's in quarantine. Never got a discount on fish with my card. Sometimes on supplies. I am looking for other places to purchase fish that doesn't need a bank loan to buy them. If ya'll know of anything in the Houston area, please let me know.


The ***** by me is not that great I only go there to get my frozen food and crickets for my gecko i bought 2 fish there one died imediatley and killed everyting else except for the chromis i bought there. The one by me just downsized there saltwater to add koi.


the ***** in my area is the greatest chain store on the west coast. I bought a bi-color angle from them it died in 2 days from pop-eye then 4 days later my flame angle died from the same disease. I wnt to the manager and told him the story so he replaced the bi-color and the flame.
I didnt even buy the flame from the store he worked at.


New Member
I will say that we have 3 stores by us that carry fish all carry SW 2 carry Inverts here is my delema BTW ***** is one of the 3. Anyway for a
Perc Clown
LFS 49.00
other LFS 55.00
***** 18.00
Feather Duster
LFS 28.00
Other LFS 32.00
***** 7.99
Yellow Tailed Blue Tang
LFS 149.00
Other LFS will order but 150.00
***** 29.99
Condo Anenime(sp? sorry getting tired)
LFS 39.99
Other LFS 59.99
***** 6.99
I opt for ***** for most things i have had more fish die from my mom and pop LFS's than i have with ***** But the Mgr over the Fish Has an Excellent 90 Gal Reef he is the only person i know of that scrubs his liverock with a toothbrush once every 6mos I personally think he is odd but loves his tank hates bristle worms.


I purchased all my fish from ***** so far because the lfs is to damn high. There are 2 lfs besides *****, but both want way too much money. I have though about ordering online, but the shipping is a killer. The tanks at my ***** seem fine, and the lady there is very knowledable. I have seen them run specials on clowns before for like $6.99.


New Member
My ***** days are over. I am on my 2nd yellow tang in 3 weeks from there, and this fish isn't fairing well either. All of the fish that I have purchased from ***** seem to be very prone to infection. I am just glad that I quarantine everything. I have fish far more expensive and far less hardy than a yellow tang