7 Gallon Minibow Just Set Up


Active Member
Here is a pic of my 7 gallon minibow just set up. All that is in there is live rock and sand right now. Going to see what the cycle is like...


Active Member
Yeah that sucks. THey need to change that back to where it works. Pictures look so much better at a larger size. Even if we have to start a I SUPPORT SALTWATERFISH.COM or something..


lookin good cliff, glad u decided to set your tank back up

aren't cycles the best part of this hobby?! :D


Active Member
No they arent. Last time I set up my minibow I had no cycle at all. I guess the live rock was cured enough that it handled the bioload. I am going to give it a week and if I have to cycle I will add my fish. I dont know what kind I am going to add yet. Any suggestions?


gobies are always lovely fish :D
im turning my 29 into a goby tank, a yellow watchman and several clowns


Active Member
Just got the lights in and my powerhead. I just broke the surface skimmer that I got in yesterday so I had to order another one...


New Member
:notsure: What type of light fixture did u order for ur new tank? I want to set one up, but dont know much about quality brands and nessecary wattage and such. Is there a package I can buy that would give me the lights I need and alll? Also, what size powerhead would u recommend? I was going to put a penguin Bio-wheel 125 on mine, is that big enough? I really appreciate any info u can give me. Ur tank looks like its starting out awesome, and Id like to have something similar.


Active Member
I got a current USA 15 in retro kit. It dont fit as good as the old custom sealife retrokit did but I just made a litte cuts and what not on the existing light fixture and added a fan to the existing hood. I have a minijet 606 or something like that it is a little strong I think, but you can adjust the water flow which I might do later on. I would not use the penguin mini bio wheel the bio wheel will leave you with excess nitrates in the long run. I am running an aquaclear 200 with a surface skimmer which works great until I broke it. I now have another one on the way. I got the aquaclear and surface skimmer for like 25 bucks plus shipping. Any other questions just post back. If you want to know where to purchase anything email me.


Where did you get those zoos? I just bought a colony that look very similiar. Lots or yellow heads and about a half dozen neon orange ones. They look great!


Active Member
Have about 12 lbs of live rock in there. The zoos I got from Pets + LPS in my area. I only paid 29.99 for about 35-50 polyps. Great deal for what some are going for now.