A single CSL retro 1x32 watt 50/50. It's a little white for my taste, so i'll be ordering an actinic. Might upgrade it to a 2x32, 1 actinic 1 50/50.
Oh yea, moon lights. Forgot about them.
That is the same tank that I have. Tell me about the lights that you have. Now, I am using an 18 watt PC. That is the only thing that I have found that fits. I would love something a little brighter.
Cant link the exact sites, but just do a search on google for "32 watt retro kit" and you'll come up with a ton of hits. It'll set you back around 50-60 bucks. I bought the tank with the retro kit already in it.
Thanks for the help. I ordered a 2X32 watt retro with a moon light. Strange, I called sooooo many places looking for these lights and no one was able to send me in the right direction. This is a great example of why something like this is so helpful.
I received the 2X32 retro kit yesterday along with a moon light. What a big difference! After work I came went onto my office, turned out the lights, and stared at the tank with the moon light on. Nice stress reliever.
OK, here they are. Sorry for the bad pics, I was in a hurry. I just have the lights sitting on the tank. I'll build a canopy this week. This one is with both lights on.