72 Bowfront lighting upgrade ?'s


Hi, I have a 72 bowfront and want to upgrade lighting to t5 or hqi. My problem is I only have 12" to work with on front to back of the tank. I want lighting that will keep anything and I have searched all threads and haven't found an answer. If anyone out there had the same problem with 48"x12"x22" please tell me how you resolve the issue. I now have coralife 6-54's with lunar lights, but need to upgrade again. I don't want to hang the new lights and appreciate anyone's help. Thank you


Active Member
IMO I would look at a fixture like the 48" sunpod MH light. 2x250 with lunar lights, they would fit on your tank and give you all the light you need to keep what ever you want. I am going to use its little brother on a tank half your size. A 36 gal bow front, and a 1x250 sunpod MH fixture. JMO.


Thank you Perfect Dark. I just checked them out online. I think you solved my problem. Before I decide though, what do you think of the Nova Extreme Pro, it is 12" wide and I could possibly use those to. Thanks again.


i have the Nova extream pro on my tank, I also added a 175w MH light fixture in my cannopy. We have the same tank it fits nice.


The canopy I have is only 6" from the top of the tank. Do you have a special canopy that is higher or did you hang your lights? Also did you add a MH because you felt the t5's weren't quite enough to keep anything you want. Sorry for so many questions, but this is the 3rd upgrade and I would like it to be my last. Thanks, again.


Active Member
If the tank is 24" or deeper I would stay away from T-5 lighting if your intention is to keep what every you want. If you are going to limit yourself to softies, lps and possibly a bubble tip anem the T-5's will be fine, SPS would have to be up high and so would clams. I personally love T-5 lighting but they have there limitations, IMO. If you are going to go the t5 route I would say no less than a 6 bulb fixture. And definatly individually reflected...
If your using a canopy and decide on MH lights make preparations for ventilation. They get very hot and if not properly ventilated will increase your tanks temp to dangerous levels. Most people accomplish this with a few hang on fans but others have found it necessary to buy a chiller. As far as appearance, T5 lighting is much brighter than MH but, MH IMO looks much more natural. Another thing I noticed too and I dont know why but for me when I had t-5's on my tank I had nasty algea issues. Since I switched to MH, no more algae.... I dont know if its a by product of the flourescent light or not but its what happened to me. HTH.


Thanks Perfect Dark, Just got back from ordering the MH's. I will be moounting them with legs and no canopy. I'm glad I asked you what's up before taking the plunge. Like I said this is the 3rd upgrade and hopefully the last. Thanks again for all your help!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by schnutzzy
Thanks Perfect Dark, Just got back from ordering the MH's. I will be moounting them with legs and no canopy. I'm glad I asked you what's up before taking the plunge. Like I said this is the 3rd upgrade and hopefully the last. Thanks again for all your help!!!!!!!!!

Glad I could help..


They are good lights as I have them on my tank, however within the first year, I replaced both bulbs and one ballast. It is covered under warrenty, and it seems it may be an on going problem, so I would also have a backup plan in order if you buy that light...
Just my opinion.
The bulbs have a three month warrenty and the rest is one year.


Thanks for the warning. I hope I don't have any problems with the MH 250's, but my tank dimensions do not give me much choice. Again thanks for the info. Has anyone else encountered problems with the current sunpod 48" 2x250 MH setup? My tank is only 12" from front to back and I do not want to hang the light setup. Thanks again for any and all info I can get.