72 gal bow - Opinions Welcome!



Very nice! If I'm not mistaken, is that a carpet anemone? I've had the worst luck. What kind of lighting do you use, and is that RO water?


New Member
Thanks for the responses!
I only use RO water, and I'm embarassed to say that I don't know what kind of salt I use. I get it pre-mixed from my LFS. :notsure:
I have metal halides.
No carpet anemone. I don't want an anemone right now. At least not until I get a bit more experience.


New Member
It is a mushroom coral (sarcophyton)
Inhabitants -
1 Foxface Rabbitfish
1 Scribbled Rabbit
1 6 line Wrasse
1 Kole Tang
1 Royal Gramma
3 Crocea Clams
Green Open Brain
Pipe Organ
Hammer Coral
Emerald Crab
Cleaner Shrimp
Peppermint shrimp
Red Cynarina
Green and Purple Mushrooms
Fire and Ice Zoo's
Pink Zoo's
Green Star Polyps
I cannot identify this - It came on a piece of live rock and has been growing like crazy.
I think It may be a blastomussa?