75-80g stocking questions


Active Member
ok, im making up a wishlist of the fish i want to put in my 75-80g tank, my gf wants reef, i want LW, i think we're gonna with the LW for now, since we are both beginners lol. please give any feedback on the fish i list, to let me know if they are compatible, and what kinda numbers per species u think i should get. any help is greatly appreciated, thanks guys an girls lol. now i know i cant keep all these guys LOL but, these are the guys that catch my eye and that i like what i read about em on the general info section of each one. so if you guys wouuld give me an idea on which ones of these guys would do well together, that would be totally awesome
Longfin Fairy Wrasse-3"
Half Black Angelfish-4"
Bluefin Angelfish-6"
Flame Angelfish-4"
Coral Beauty Angelfish-4"
Marine Betta-8" i know, he gets really big, but he's gorgeous
Springeri Pseudochromis-3"
Fridmani Pseudochromis-3"
Purple Pseudochromis-3"
Ocellate Damselfish-3.5"
Blue Sapphire Damselfish-3.5"
Marginated Damselfish-4"
Firefish, Purple-3"
Zebra Barred Dartfish-4"
Spotted Mandarin-4"
Green Mandarin-4"
Yellow Watchman Goby-3"
Tiger Watchman Goby-5"
Neon Gold Goby-3"
Hi Fin Red Banded Goby-2"
Catalina Goby-2"
Black & White Ocellaris Clownfish-3"
Yellowstripe Maroon Clownfish-6"
Maroon Clownfish-6"
Ocellaris Clownfish-3.5"
Blue/Green Reef Chromis-3"
Royal Gramma Basslet-3"
Chalk Bass-3"
Yellowtail Damselfish-3"
there are quite a few more lol but we know we cant keep everything, so this is just a rough list of the fish we want to eventually have LOL but, what i would like is some input from you guys who all know a helluva lot more than i do on what fish would be good with each other, how many of each we should keep, and so on and so forth, i would really appreciate this, and thanks.
also, we are eventually wanting to do, 15 years or so from now LOL an L shape tank, 12' by 8' with a 6' by 8' leg, and roughly 4' tall, that is sectioned, for community fish, agressive fish, and then sharks, so that is the plan in about 15 years LOL


Active Member
That's a pretty nice list of community fish. Most of them appear to be reef safe so if you eventually want to switch over, you'd be ok. A couple questions... what type of filtration do you have? I wouldn't do the mandarins unless you have a refugium to cultivate pods for them to eat and I'd probably only do one of them. If you get a mandarin early on then you'd want to add live pods because there may not be enough in the tank to sustain it.
You should make the decision of whether you want 4-5 larger fish or more smaller fish. Do you have a single larger fish, like the betta or half-black angel that you want to build around? Also, if you go with damsels then you'd want to keep the fish more on the aggressive side. Anyway, good luck.


Active Member
we cant even begin to set our tank up at this point, which we dont even have one LOL but have been pricing them on the local craigslist and what not, cause we dont have our own place yet, we're still living with her parents, but, i really want to do a community tank, something where we can watch fish schooling together and stuff


ill do some thinking of what i would choose because ill be setting up a 90gal reef soon so ill put some ideas up tomorrow. i have a job interview early and need some zzz lol. ill look into it though


Active Member
thanks man, i really appreciate it, and me an the gf were talking it over tonight, and we think we are going to go ahead, as soon as we have the cash, and set up a 29g nano for now, cause it will be next summer before we can do the 75-80, cause we cant do it at her parents house, which is where we are currentlyliving, by next summer, we'll have our own place, but, we can do a 29g biocube, so i think we are gonna set one of them up asap lol


Active Member
I see just a few things.
Pseudochromis and basslets will fight, so pick just one.
Damsels can get very agressive
catalina gobies are a cold water species- they dont live long in our warmer tanks.


Active Member
thanks teresa, like i said, im a total noob on this stuff, so while i know what kinda fish id love to eventually have, especially as we start setting up more and more tanks LOL i really think im gonna start out, after me an the gf talked last night, with a 29g nano, and go from there, and then do the 75, if we're still enthusiasts, next summer once we get our own place. so does anyone have any idea on what i should do with a nano? what kinda fish and what not? i mean, i know at the most, im gonna be able to have only like 3-4 fish, but i want some that look totally kick *&* and are easy to take care of for a noob like myself


Active Member
for a 29, I would go something like this
Firefish, Purple-3" or Firefish-3"
Yellow Watchman Goby-3" or bi-color blenny
Neon Gold Gobie or clown gobie
Black & White Ocellaris Clownfish-3" or Ocellaris Clownfish-3.5"


Active Member
is there anyway i could do a pair of clowns, a goby, with shrimp, and maybe a dwarf flame? would that be possible at all?


Active Member
Pair of clowns, goby and a shrimp would do great in a 29. But the flame angle needs room to swim I think they need a 55gal. or bigger tank


Active Member
oh wow teresa, thanks, he's friggin gorgeous, thats one of the reasons why i like the dwarf angel, ive just never seen this guy before, thanks a ton


Active Member
sweet, thanks girl, hey, if youw ant, head over to the nano section, i just posted a new thread about tanks, if you had any ideas on them, that would be awesome


ok ima base this off a 90 gal stocklist soo see what ya can do with it
large clean up crew
pair of Black & White Ocellaris Clownfish with hoast anemone
bluefin or singipore angel
HI blue spotted puffer
6 line wrasse
3 spotted cardinals
watchman goby with host shrimp
then eventually a green and a red mandern


Active Member
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
is there anyway i could do a pair of clowns, a goby, with shrimp, and maybe a dwarf flame? would that be possible at all?
That would be a good start, and leave you with plenty of room to add more, if you want more than one clown stick with the percula's, the larger clowns tend to fight. Check out a black cap basslet, I have one in my reef, and it is by far my favorite fish in the tank.