75 Equipment reccommendations?


I am about to get my first 75 gal tank and I want to be as michanical, automated, and proficient as possible. I am asking for a fll list of the best equipment to buy for the tank to make it as automated as possible. I dont mean automated as I wont have to do anything with the tank, but I mean that I want the most stuff to make the least errors. For example, I know that some people swear by a calcium reactor and some people say its not necessary. I want to know all the possible equipment...even the extras. Thanks so much in advance!!


Active Member
For a controller you may want to look at either ReefKeeper 2 or the new ReefKeeper Elite that is not out yet or go with AquaController Jr or 3.


ok, didnt realy help me much... What is a controller? and the credit card thing isnt an issue, I dont have to have it all together in like a week, no limit on time.


Yes, most likely not at first though. Probably a FOWLR for a few months just to get established, read up a bit more on corals, then add assorted corals.


Wow, that is a big ? Let start one at a time. I am guessing this will be a reef tank. Do you have a canopy that you want to put over the top and put your lighting in or do you just want to get a fixture?


I am most likely just going to get a fixture, because I dont really want a canopy, not my cup of tea.


I looked up the reefkeeper and it looked nice, I bumped to hopefully get reccommendations about all other equipment to attatch to the controller lol